Format Surat Ke FIFA

Jumat, 07 September 2012

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1. Untuk FIFA
Dear FIFA,

I am ( Your Name), I’m just a normal Indonesian Football suporter. As you know, We in Indonesia have this Football problem due to “Indonesia Super League” (ISL), the breakaway league and “Komisi penyelamat sepakbola Indonesia” (KPSI) the illegal football body that tries to revolt and conquer PSSI, the legal Football Association.

One of your coaches, Mr. Alfred Riedl, has came here to Indonesia to coach the so called “National Team” of this KPSI, an illegal team that has violated the MOU signed between PSSI, ISL, and KPSI that you can see in this link: . Our national football problem has seriously become more severe because this Illegal “national team” is formed.

By coaching an illegitimate national team that is not under the legal federation and causing a havoc in our national Football, Mr. Alfred Riedl has violated the law and regulations of FIFA statutes. We plead for Austria’s Football Association (OFB) to look into this matter and help Indonesia’s Football. We hope OFB to revoke Mr. Alfred Riedl’s coaching license and sanction him because what he did by coaching a revolt “national team” is a serious violation to the rules.

These are the officials of the breakaway National Team of KPSI, taken from :
• Technical Director: Benny Dollo
• Coach: Alfred Riedl
• Coach Asisstant 1: Wolfgang Pikal
• Coach Asisstant 2: Robby Darwis
• Keeper Coach Asisstant: Erik Ibrahim
• Physical Coach Asisstant: Yayat

And these are the players list of the breakaway National Team of KPSI, taken from :
Keeper: Kurnia Meiga, Fery Rotinsulu, I Made Wirawan, Choirul Huda
Back: Benny Wahyudi, Abdul Rahman, Supardi, Hamka Hamzah, Ricardo Salampessy, Zulkifli Syukur, Jajang Sukmara, Hasim Kipuw, Victor Igbonefo
Midfield: Ponaryo Astaman, Firman Utina, M. Ridwan, Ahmad Bustomi, Zulham Zamrun, Ramdani Lestaluhu, Eka Ramdani, Egi Melgiansyah, Feriando Pahabol, Saddam Husain
Striker: Bambang Pamungkas, Christian Gonzales, Ferdinand Sinaga, Greg Nwokolo, Patrich Wanggai

with the exception of these five who refused and didn’t come. Taken from :
Bambang Pamungkas, Patrich Wanggai, Greg Nwokolo, Victor Igbonefo dan Ferdinand Sinaga.

Sincerely yours,

(Your Name)
Just an Indonesia football supporter

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1 komentar:

  1. semoga FIFA turun tangan membantu anggotanya... untuk menghukum atau black list orang2 yg terlibat dalam KPSI....
