Format Surat Ke OFB

Jumat, 07 September 2012

Berbagi Artikel :
Austrian Football Federation
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2. Untuk OFB
Mr. Alfred Ludwig
Chief Executive Officer,
The Austrian Football Association (OFB)
Sektor A/F, Meiereistraße 7
1020 Wien

Dear Mr. Ludwig,

I am sorry to inform you that me and millions other football fans in Indonesia are currently distracted by the existence of a football team illegally claiming itself as the Indonesian National Team. This team supported by several member clubs of a breakaway league have intensely given false information to the media, despite the fact that PSSI as the official football federation of Indonesia recognized by FIFA and AFC remains active and focused on preparing our National Team for the coming 2012 ASEAN Football Federation (AFF) Cup.

More than that, I regret to mention that an Austrian coach, Mr. Alfred Riedl, has been actively involved in such illegal action by serving as the head coach. It is shocking to see Mr. Riedl to speak openly in front of journalists and in television broadcasts as if he is a head coach for a legal National Team. His supports for the team illegally claiming itself as the Indonesian National Team have worsen the situations in Indonesia and make the future of football in this country unclear.

It is for this reason that I plead you to evaluate Mr. Riedl’s action and take all appropriate steps in this regard.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely yours,

(Your Name)
An Indonesian football fan


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